Non-residential buildings


Bndsförderung for efficient buildings (BEG) - non-residential buildings

Are you planning to invest in an energy-saving building? Then remember to find out about the numerous funding opportunities in the "Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG)" program.

In this article we present an overview of new construction, renovation and individual measures in non-residential buildings. We also provide subsidies for professional support and sound energy advice to develop an energy concept for your project.

The general rule is: The application must always be submitted before the project begins. The start of the project is defined as the signing of an order or contract with a specialist company carrying out the work. Planning services are permitted in advance.

Information about the program at BAFAYou will find here...
Information about the program at KfW
You will find here...

New construction of non-residential buildings

From July 1, 2021, KfW will support the construction of a new efficiency building with a loan with a repayment subsidy or a pure grant.

The maximum limit for eligible costs is 2,000 euros per square meter of net floor space, up to a maximum of 30 million euros. The (repayment) subsidies are based on the efficiency standard achieved. The second value in brackets refers to achieving the renewable energy class (bonus on the subsidy if at least 55% of the building's heating and cooling requirements are met from renewable energies):

  • Efficiency building 40 (20% / EE 22.5%)
  • Efficiency building 55 (15% / EE 17.5%)

The interest rate depends on creditworthiness and is based on capital market developments.

Renovation of existing properties into efficient buildings

From July 1, 2021, KfW will support the renovation of a non-residential building into an efficiency building with a loan & repayment subsidy or a pure grant. The purchase of a newly renovated efficiency building is also eligible for funding.

The maximum limit for eligible costs is 2,000 euros per square meter of net floor space, up to a maximum of 30 million euros. The (repayment) subsidies are based on the efficiency standard achieved. The second value in brackets refers to achieving the renewable energy class (bonus on the subsidy if at least 55% of the building's heating and cooling requirements are met from renewable energies):

  • Efficiency building 40 (45% / EE 50%)
  • Efficiency building 55 (40% / EE 45%)
  • Efficiency building 70 (35% / EE 40%)
  • Efficiency building 100 (27.5% / EE 32.5%)
  • Efficient building monument (25% / EE 30%)

Important criterion: The building permit application for the building must have been submitted at least 5 years ago.

Individual energy measures in existing buildings & heating subsidies 2021

Since February 2, 2021, the BAFA has been supporting individual measures with a grant if you want to renovate a company building to make it more energy efficient. The following measures are eligible for funding (grants in brackets):

Individual measures in buildings

  • Insulation of walls, roofs, basements and ceilings (20%)
  • Renewal of windows, curtain walls, external doors & gates (20%)
  • Installation or renewal of summer thermal insulation (20%)
  • Installation, renewal or optimization of air conditioning and ventilation systems with heat or cold recovery (20%)
  • Measurement, control and regulation technology to achieve a degree of building automation (20%)
  • Installing energy-efficient LED lighting (20%)
  • Installation of refrigeration technology for room cooling (20%)

Individual measures in heating technology

Funding for the installation of a (second value in brackets applies when replacing an oil heating system at the same time)

  • Gas condensing boiler "Renewable Ready" (20 % / 20 %)
  • Gas hybrid heating (30% / 40%)
  • Solar thermal system (30% / 30%)
  • Biomass plant or heat pump (35% / 45%)
  • Building network with at least 25% renewable energy (30% / 40%)
  • Building network with at least 55% renewable energy (35% / 45%)
  • Optimization of the heating system (20%)

The eligible costs are 1,000 euros per square meter of net floor area, with a total maximum of 15 million euros.

From July 1, 2021, KfW will also offer the funding as a loan with a repayment subsidy.

Energy planning & construction support

Mandatory for the application for funding: specialist energy planning and construction supervision by a certified expert who is on the energy efficiency expert list of the German Energy Agency (dena). An exception to this are individual measures relating to the heating system or heating optimization. These can also be confirmed by a specialist contractor declaration from the specialist company carrying out the work.

Otherwise, the following applies: Without energy efficiency experts, no funding for the projects listed above will be available!

We are listed for the programs and take care of the entire work for you - from submitting the application to preliminary planning and coordination with the specialist companies to checking the execution and preparing the proof of use.

These services are supported through energy-related construction support with a subsidy of up to 50%, with a maximum of 10 euros per square meter of net floor space and a maximum eligible cost of 40,000 euros. This applies per application and calendar year.

What energy efficiency measures can you implement in your company?

It is often not entirely clear where the savings potential lies in the company. Individual topics are in focus, but a comprehensive review and inventory has not yet taken place. A systematic analysis of your company is recommended here. The BAFA promotes energy consulting for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) with the "Energy Consulting for Non-Residential Buildings, Facilities and Systems" program with a subsidy of up to 80%.

Module 1: Energy audit DIN EN 16247:

  • 80% subsidy, max. €6,000 (for energy costs of €10,000 net or more per year)
  • systematic analysis of energy use, energy consumers and savings potential
  • Compilation of efficiency measures & economic efficiency assessment

Module 2: Energy consulting DIN V 18599

  • 80% subsidy, up to a maximum of €8,000 (for a net floor area of more than 500 m²)
  • Recording of the building envelope and system technology to create a renovation concept
  • Development of a renovation plan with individual measures up to a complete renovation

Details of the program and the funding guidelinesYou will find here ...

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